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Rescue Stories


We trapped this friendly orange boy at a local apartment complex. He had scabies so severe his eyes were crusted shut. After treating the scabies and giving him some much needed TLC, Gabriel was adopted! He was also a Tally Top Pet Finalist!   

Yoshi and Chica

One of our fosters heard small cries, and found two tiny kittens under a car. It took many baths with dish soap to remove all the grease and oil. The kittens learned to eat from a bottle surprisingly fast. They were adopted together into an amazing home, and have grown up into beautiful cats.


Tatertot was an orphaned newborn kitten covered in fly eggs. She struggled with syringe feeding, and just as we were about to lose hope, we remembered we had a nursing mom named Koko. Tatertot thrived under Koko’s dedicated care and survived. She grew up to be a spunky but loving kitten, and was adopted.  


Walter was the longest resident at Bainbridge Humane Society because he was ornery. After recovering from an upper respiratory infection, we found out he wasn't mean, he was in pain from stomatitis. He lost some teeth but gained a sweet disposition, and loves cuddles!


Wrangler got her name after jumping into the tail pipe of one of our board member's cars. Our volunteers and an autoshop were stumped trying to find her. A few hours later, we got her! Wrangler was very healthy and after a brief stay in foster care, was adopted. 


Finn is our special needs wobbly boy. He has constant involuntary shakes, which an MRI determined is the result of brain damage. He was adopted by one of our board members, and is very happy. We also TNR'd his entire colony, including his Mom!


Gary was found with a gnarly left eye and upper respiratory infection He was 6 weeks old, but only weighed a little over a pound. Once he got strong enough to undergo surgery, he quickly learned to navigate with only one eye. When it was time to say goodbye, his foster Mom decided to make him a permanent part of her family. 


These 4 kittens were abandoned by their mom in a dirt pile. They required careful syringe feeding every 2 hours around the clock. They also had upper respiratory infections and flea infestation. We got them healthy, fully vetted, and adopted!

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